
Top 9 Digital Advertising Trends for 2022

Photo by Blue Planet Studio

Digital advertising is like an organism. It’s constantly evolving, innovating, changing, and updating for the better. As new technologies get invented every day, the landscape of the online world is affected as well.

Naturally, the majority of consumers will always go to what’s fresh or the latest. So, for your business to stand out amidst billions of websites and information that is constantly published daily, you have to take the initiative and be one step ahead of them. 

The only way you can do that is by knowing the trajectory of predicted trends so that you can prepare for them and have the edge of knowing how to operate them. By staying in the know, you increase your chances of being the first ones to dominate that trend first and perfect it for your campaigns because, in today’s competitive digital market, knowledge is power. 

The Top 9 Trends

Here is a quick review of the upcoming digital trends that could boost your company’s performance this year:

Marketing Automation

Maintaining an efficient line of communication is integral in today’s cutthroat digital market. One way of providing that to consumers is to prioritize fast response and speedy transactions.

Once you’ve hooked your customer’s interest, you need to deliver right away whenever they have a query or question regarding your products and services, before they move on to a rival company. 

However, answering hundreds of messages daily by yourself is an impossible task, as you’re bound to miss one of them. To improve your transaction efficiency, it’s advised that you invest now in marketing automation. This trend refers to the use of any software that allows you to create personalized channels of communication with your audience. 

Since this software has carefully tailored algorithms, they’ll be able to handle any customer profile that comes their way. If you’re unfamiliar with how to deal with this upgrade, you should contact experts in digital advertising in Ottawa.

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A.I is the future of customer engagement. No matter how much you want to interact with customers personally and answer their every query, doing so can be time-consuming and inefficient for business. Instead of wasting your effort and manpower to provide swift answers to every question, why not let a machine do the job for you. 

AI-powered chatbots that can be installed directly into your social media pages and websites can be programmed to provide general responses to FAQs. So, whether you’re aiming to improve your influence on digital advertising in Ottawa, or nationwide, invest in a chatbot upgrade.


Providing uniform and high-quality engagement on every platform is important in today’s digital market as it stamps a brand of experience familiarity among your customers. You can only achieve that through omnichannel marketing. This multi-faceted approach focuses on creating a brand experience for your customers. 

Once they access you on a specific online platform, you have to guarantee that every interaction is memorable and unique to your brand. Doing so will increase customer trust and bond as they will know what to expect from you. 

It’s important to note that this advice works both locally and globally. So, if you’re looking to improve your digital advertising in Ottawa or all-throughout Canada, then use this approach. 

Customer Privacy and Company Transparency

Google’s limited policies on Website Cookie settings are a clear indicator of the shift in prioritizing customer experience. For years, netizens have always feared for their privacy online.

By enacting these stricter policies, Google ensures better data privacy for their customers. As a company, you have to both abide by these policies and improve your own practices as well, when it comes to handling customer data. 

You have to show your customers complete transparency in every interaction and guarantee them that they are safe in every transaction. So, if you’re offering a security license Ontario course, you have to impose strict rules on confidentiality and privacy to practice what you preach as they would say. 


Campaign Personalization

Every customer wants to feel special. In today’s automated, fast-paced digital world, the fact that you’re still interacting with human audiences is something that most businesses tend to overlook. As you often calculate company success with numbers, you may forget that you’re having business deals with people. 

And, people tend to rely on emotions when considering obtaining a product or service. You can use this to your advantage by prioritizing personalization in every ad campaign, through e-mail marketing and posts. Help customers resonate with you, by creating content that they relate with.

Short Videos

Customer interests and attention spans are shrinking at an alarming rate. As the public craves digestible information and user-friendly content, long, wordy, and blocky articles on your website are no longer effective.

For better information retention, you should incorporate short videos and a variety of multi-media formats into your blogs, pages, and websites. So, if you’re a company offering truck repair in London, don’t just tell them about your services. Show them what you can do through short tutorial videos, client interactions, and more. 

Voice Search Optimization

One way that AI has infiltrated today’s digital market is the increasing usage of customers of voice searches. As search engine algorithms aim to improve the online experience for every query, these voice searches make every interaction faster and easier to conduct. As a content creator, you have to adjust your campaigns as well by using keywords that align with this search format. 


Advertisements and ads are more likely to stick to your customer’s memory if it personally interests them. One way to do that is to stick with the traditional marketing strategy that has always worked effectively when it comes to improving customer engagement – And that is telling a story. 

Whether it’s heartfelt, humorous, or serious, developing a storytelling campaign that appeals to the emotion of your customers will greatly improve your online traffic and influence. 

Efficient Communication

Customers in the digital market can interact with your business in different ways. With hundreds of communication channels available, each with its respective audience demographic, you should cater to those that are most significant to you.

So, make sure to invest in the development of efficient communication lines between you and your customers that encompass every online platform to ensure that every client is catered to.

Not all digital advertising and marketing trends will be here to stay. However, it helps that you’ll see them coming, as it will give you foresight and time to prepare for them. So, instead of trudging blindly into the unknown future, make sure to take note of these trends and research them now. Having this information will be your edge in the digital market and will help you stay one step ahead of your competitors.

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