List Of Houseplants That Are Poisonous For Humans And Pets

Excited about bringing plants indoors? Well, it is a great idea to incorporate plants in your indoor space to elevate your decor, but one teeny tiny warning for you guys – plants can be toxic. Yes, you read that right. Some plants tend to have higher levels of toxic compounds that can be harmful to humans as well as animals.
People like to decorate their place with indoor plants. Honestly, it is a very thoughtful idea because plants can really enhance the look of your house, without you having to spend much. Also, bringing in plants in your place is like spending on natural purifiers. Some plants are known to purify the air and remove toxins present in the air. That means the air in your home will be of a better quality as compared to the outside air if you have plants indoors. So, buying a house plant will solve multiple purposes. But before you buy indoor plants online, put a focus on the fact that some plants besides being eligible for indoor spaces are actually poisonous and can cause serious trouble if consumed by accident or having a skin touch in some cases. Though some plants are a common kitchen staple like basil or aloe vera which is why we commonly assume that plants are completely harmless. But that is simply not the case, you need to be careful around these green buddies as well especially when you have kids and pets at home. If you already have plants or are planning to put plants indoors, I’m going to list down a few commonly grown houseplants that are toxic so that you are extra careful around them.
Cardboard palm
Palms are very common houseplants that grow well in both indoor and outdoor spaces. If someone likes gardening or wants a few plants around their house, you can expect palms at their place. Also if someone has just started getting along with plants, even then, palms are on the list because it is an easy-care plant. But besides being easy to care and maintain, the plants can actually be toxic. Though not all palms contain toxic substances, some species are not very pet friendly. Here I’m talking about cardboard plants. If you have this plant at home, you need to be careful that your kids or your pet do not consume it by any chance. This plant species contains cycasin which is a toxin known to cause some serious health issues like liver failure and hemorrhagic gastroenteritis.
Azalea plant
While these bushes are generally grown outside, azaleas are in some cases used to make smaller than expected bonsai trees for inside also. Nonetheless, the grayanotoxin in azaleas is profoundly harmful to canines, kids and even adults. It can cause a wide variety of side effects, from spewing and irritated bowel movements to a state of insensibility. The toxic plant is generally alluded to as “mad honey,” a name acquired by the plant in light of the sickness it is known to cause. The poison can cause low circulation of blood and pulse, also affect the rhythm of the heart in some cases. These side effects could be perilous. when little bits of azalea or rhododendron are gulped, you don’t need to expect serious poisoning. In any case, gulping a lot of any piece of the plant or nectar produced using these blossoming plants can cause dangerous indications.
Cyclamen plant
Next on the list is a dark leafed plant that we call cyclamen. The plant is known to produce bright colored flowers in the shade or white and red. Due to this beautiful feature, people like to have cyclamen at their place. But as they say, looks can be deceiving. This plant is known to cause diarrhea and even vomiting on consumption. So, when you order plants online, you should be careful enough to make the right choice.
Peace lily plant
Peace lilies are one of the most widely opted blooming houseplants, especially in indoor space. In any case, whenever burned-through, they are harmful to people, canines, and felines. Indeed, all individuals from the lily family are poisonous to felines. These lilies should be kept far off, or just utilized in homes of families with more seasoned kids and no pets. They are just hazardous when devoured and are totally protected to contact.
This is the list of indoor plants that are actually poisonous to humans and pets. Proper research is required before you bring in plants in your home especially when you have little ones or pets at home. Either avoid these plants or keep them on a tall shelf where they are not reachable.