Buy YouTube likes and dislikes for the balancing act

Many content creators on YouTube buy YouTubes likes from third-party service providers to boost their channel popularity and increase their subscriber base. It is not illegal or wrong with this practice as long as the likes are from real people and not bots. This practice of having inorganic growth in likes is complemented by naturally increased views and likes from the audience. The result is a massive positive image of the channel. The flip side of this exercise is that having thousands of likes and no dislikes make their videos look suspicious to viewers. Even YouTube notices this abnormal discrepancy. People who buy YouTube likes also buy YouTube dislikes from the service providers for the balancing act.
YouTube Rating method
Earlier, the higher one got ratings on YouTube analytics, the more the viewers were influenced to watch the video. Later, the rating system got revised to clicking like and dislike buttons.
Audience behavior on YouTube shows that they tend to like more videos than dislike them. On average, like to dislike videos were found to be in the ratio of 90%: 10%. That meant for every nine videos liked, one was disliked. This does not mean that all videos get this result. Many videos have received more dislikes than likes. When this happens, it is an alarm bell for the channel and marketer. Contrary to audience behavior, more dislikes means something is wrong with the content.
General audience behavior on YouTube shows the following trends:
- Viewers prefer short videos and watch them till the end. The longer the video, the less it will be watched, or viewers will exit before reaching the end. This is the reason that a view to be counted as one means video watch duration must be more than 30 seconds.
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- Video duration works well according to the industry they represent. Fashion and lifestyle videos are viewed the most, but they are generally short in duration. For longer video durations, IT and service industries perform well as there is a process of learning involved, which needs to be shown and watched in detail.
- Using YouTube analytics, content creators and marketers analyze the performance of particular content and take corrective action where there are not enough views and likes.
Service providers such as YoutubeStorm, who provide likes, views, and subscribers for social media accounts, also perform this unique service of providing dislikes. Inorganic and quick growth of contents is frowned upon with a skewed like-dislike ratio raising eyebrows. Therefore, to balance out and make the audience response look genuine, dislikes are purchased.
One cannot buy dislikes for a competitor’s video content. Also, it is not possible to ask others to dislike, if they are sharing others’ content. And in any case, the service providers ask for written approval from the video owners for providing dislikes. Another strict no is to buy dislike bots from certain tools available. This option is not a healthy practice and should be used very sparingly and avoided because of its negative connotation.