Broken Key Extractor – Get it Out Now!

Your key got broken in the lock when trying to unlock it. Do not fret. This happened to one of our clients recently. So we decided to create a descriptive guide to what you can do in this situation. Relax and follow through. When your key gets broken in a lock, there are three ways to resolve it.
By using a lock pick to extract it
Using lock pick tools involves a person using lock pins to gradually remove the part of the key stuck in the lock. You can either do this by yourself if you have experience or contact your locksmith. You can contact us, Eddie and Sons Locksmith, to remove it for you.
By using a broken key extractor
A broken key extractor is an item used to remove a broken key from a lock. An individual can use a broken key extractor by following the equipment guidelines, or he can contact a locksmith to help him.
By contacting a locksmith
It’s 100 percent safe to contact a locksmith if your key is broken inside a padlock. A local locksmith is trained with the knowledge and skill to apply so as to remove the broken key. A locksmith can either use lock pick tools to remove a broken key or key extractor equipment to remove it. For a key extractor service, feel free to contact our locksmith agents in this city.
Using a professional broken key extractor service
If you need a broken key extractor service within the hour, feel free to contact Eddie and Sons Locksmith Company. Our professional locksmith agents are qualified to provide this service for you.
Here are the steps that our locksmith agents will take to extract a broken key:
Determining The Kind Of Key
There are different types of keys, especially for cars. We have the transponder key, mechanical key, flip-style key, smart key, valet key, master key, and remote key. The kind of key in the padlock or door lock needs to be known by our locksmith to know the necessary measures to be taken.
The Key’s Composition
It is very important to know what material the key is made of. It determines what to expect when carrying out the broken key extractor service. Keys are likely made from carbon steel, stainless steel, aluminum, brass, and nickel silver (hardly breaks).

Once these two are known, the next step is for our locksmith agents to remove the key.
Removing The Key
Our locksmith agents use the best broken key extracting equipment to remove broken keys from our clients’ padlocks, doors, or car doors. After this has been done, we, therefore, ask our clients whether they need a new key cut or replacement. If they request a key cut, here are the details and benefits of our key cutting service.
Our Key Cutting Service
For our key cutting services, we determine the lock or key combination and provide a high-precision cut within the shortest service time. Our key cutting service uses the best and most durable key cutting material for our clients. We use the latest and best key cutting machines to manufacture all different kinds of keys.
If you need a new key cut service without a broken key extractor service, feel free to get in touch with us. You can follow us on social media platforms.
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Eddie and Sons Locksmith – Queens, NY
Queens, NY 11357
Phone: 347-252-6262