What Makes Irish Grass Fed Whey Better

No matter what kind of athlete you are, supplementing your daily nutritional protein intakecan serve your muscles well and help your bodyrecover optimally.Protein has significant benefits for your body’s performance, particularly whey protein organically sourced from truly grass-fed farms.
The attributes unique to high-quality grass-fed whey include the potent concentrations of cysteine and glutathione known to bolster the immune system. Regarding the desire to build muscle, grass-fed whey generally contains up to 50% more branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) than whey sourced from factory farms with grain or corn-based feedlots.The macronutrients associated with grass-fed whey from Ireland include the following –
Ireland is blanketed by more than eighty percent lush grasslands. The limestone bedrock of the United Kingdom creates an alkaline characteristic that allows these grasslands to take on heavy coastal rains without raising the soils’ acidity. Unlike the United States, Ireland does not need to rebalance the soil via human intervention with various chemicals.
Is All Whey Protein is Equal –
Compared to plant-based powders, dairy proteins (whey & caseins) tend to offer the most bang for the buck in terms of nutrient power. There is no doubt a global shift is taking place that’s weaning more and more people every day away from traditional protein forms, particularly animal flesh, and moving them towards dairy or plant-based options.
In the world of protein powders, the dairy industry operates at a level of reliability that’s taken decades to optimize. With the plant-based market desperately trying to play catch-up in just the last few years to satisfy market demand, many of these products are developing an unsavory reputation of being chock-filled with heavy metals and contaminants associated with processing.
With the advent of grain feeds and factory farming, many dairy industries worldwide responsible for providing developing countries with nutrition started on a path of steady quality decline. Cows, by nature, are ruminant animals. A ruminant possesses the innate ability to ferment organic plant life into high-quality fats and proteins in the form of their milk using the multiple chambers in their stomachs.
When a ruminant is force-fed grain or corn in a factory farm’s confines, their bodies begin to take on abnormal stresses. This stress and strain often manifest itself by the onslaught of multiple health issues and a sudden decline in that animal’s efficiency to convert food into highly nutritious milk.
The concept of happy cows producing the highest quality milk is fundamental to genuinely grass-fed operations. As a result, AGN Roots Grass-Fed Whey contains the highest nutrient contents than any other leading brand for BCAAs and the macro-nutrients list above.
Grass-Fed Whey vs. Organic Whey
Whey protein makes up roughly twenty percent of the milk’s protein, whereas the remaining eighty percent are called caseins. Whey and casein are considered complete proteins, which means they contain all nine essential amino acids necessary for cellular health and provide all the benefits of a balanced protein.
Brands often use the word “organic” when marketing their whey protein. The reality is that genuinely grass-fed protien is as organic as it gets. Whey protein that claims to be “organic” creates much consumer confusion in the market, as “organic” is synonymous with “healthy” in most cases. However, organic whey protein does not refer to a cow’s diet of organic grasses on a pasture but instead to organic certified grains that make up the animal’s feed.
Organic whey protein is much nutritious than certified grass-fed whey. Consumers must understand that a certified grass-fed whey protein is of much higher quality than any grain-fed protein, organic or not. The key is, “Organic” does not mean “grass-fed”; however certified grass-fed, almost always means 100% organic.
Why is Grain Fed a Bad Thing?
The digestive system of a dairy cow is not able to process grain-based feeds efficiently. In the United States, 96% of dairy cows are born and die within concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs). In CAFOs, milk-producing cows only live to be a few years old before their bodies stop lactating; this is due to the stresses and strains of corn and grain feeds. These types of operations are where most protein brands source their whey. It is essential to recognize that these operations optimize the quantity of milk made, NOT quality.
What is so much Better About Grass-Fed Cows?
Grass-fed cows are healthier and happier, which means their bodies work optimally to produce the most nutritious milk. The whey protein from grass-fed cows is also rich in nutrients, vitamins, and minerals.
The cows that make our Irish Grass Fed Whey live full and healthy lives; in many cases, they live longer than 20 years. Ireland is the only country globally to have a nationalized grass-fed standard that mandates all dairy products to be >90% grass-fed for the claim to be made.
AGN Roots Grass-Fed Whey comes from certified farms to > 95% grass-fed on a rolling three-year average. The remaining percentages are for critical stages in the animal’s life where fermented nutrient grasses are necessary to keep healthy. Irish Grass Fed Whey is the absolute gold-standard in the dairy industry.
How much protein do I need?
How much protein your body needs is based on several factors, including:
If you are unsure how to calculate how much protein your body needs daily or how much protein you need to take as a supplement, you can visit our website and try our free online protein calculator.
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