
4 Benefits Of Google Ads To Boost Amazon Sales Rank

Google Ads collects potential buyers’ emails and creates traffic pools. Discover 4 reasons for using Google Ads to boost your Amazon sales rank and revenue.

25% of Amazon sellers use Google Ads to drive more customers to their Amazon store. At first glance, the 25% figure appears to be in the minority and smaller than expected. However, the average ROI (Return on Investment) for Google Ads is 200%. It means that if an Amazon seller spends $1 on Google Ads, they will get a $2 profit.

Indeed, 75% of Amazon sellers who don’t use Google Ads (maybe including you) are missing out on this huge opportunity. Now, if you’re wondering how to use Google Ads for your Amazon store, continue reading to discover how Google Ads change the game and the benefits of Google Ads in increasing your Amazon sales.

How Does Google Ads Work?

Google Ads (formerly known as Google Adwords) refers to Google displaying ads results above organic search results, in which you can:

  • Target specific keywords or search terms related to your products
  • Bid higher to show your ads higher on the search results page

However, swimming in the ocean of knowledge can be overwhelming. Therefore, if you don’t have enough time to do research and carry out all the processes, rely on a Google Ads agency to help you get up to speed.

Why Should Amazon Sellers Use Google Ads?

On the general principle of marketing, when you advertise on more channels, you reach more consumers, increasing your chances of selling your product.

Google leads are mainly near the top of the sales funnel (interest or awareness stage). Meanwhile, Amazon shoppers often complete pre-purchase comparisons and begin to dive deeper into the funnel.

Compared to Amazon Ads, Google Ads are much more potent to:

  • Reach more potential customers.
  • Customize your campaign with various pre-built options for multiple campaigns to target different customers.
  • Give you massive data and powerful reports in real-time to make informed decisions.

With those competitive advantages, you can increase your Amazon store rankings and increase sales in the long run.

4 Benefits Of Google Ads For Amazon Resellers

In this section, we’ll give you a closer look at the benefits of the Google Ads strategy:

Bring Evergreen Traffic

Only about 50% of online shoppers use Amazon’s search bar directly. That means the other half of customers search by other means, which is mainly Google. According to a Kenshoo survey, 85% of respondents choose Google as their most favorite tool to search for product information online before making a purchase. Those are the potential customers you miss out on by not using Google Ads.

With the data mentioned above, let’s say there are 2000 searches per month on Amazon for your keyword. That same keyword gets 1000 searches per month on Google. Assuming those 3000 searches are unique, you’ll reach 50% more leads, which equates to a 50% increase in theoretical sales.

That is a visual explanation for expanding the reach of Amazon stores if running Google Ads.

Capture Customer Emails And Build Your Audience

An external traffic channel like Google helps you achieve things that are not possible on Amazon. That is building a list of customers. Email lists give you a lot of benefits:

  • Request customer reviews
  • Contact directly with customers with product feedback and arisen issues
  • Build a retargeting audience
  • Notify personalize discounts and promotions to bring customers back to your Amazon store
  • Implement customer loyalty program for higher engagement
  • Run product launches without spending a lot on advertising

However, under the terms of service, Amazon doesn’t allow merchants to access their customer’s contact information such as phone numbers and email addresses.

Meanwhile, Google Ads allows you to build email lists with dedicated landing page tools for Amazon while complying with TOS (Terms Of Service). Furthermore, you can set up your tracking code to retarget traffic to your landing page, which isn’t possible on Amazon.

Boost Your Sales And Rankings At The Same Time

Selling speed and sales volume are 2 essential factors to decide the ranking of your Amazon store. Your increase in sales directly impacts Amazon’s search rankings. It creates a domino effect for your long-term profit, an organic way to increase your ranking on Amazon

Boost Your Sales And Rankings At The Same Time

What’s more impressive is: After you have optimized your Google ad, it can run in the background, and you can spend your energy and valuable time on other business ideas.

Minimize The Risks

As a business owner, you’ve undoubtedly heard the saying: don’t put all your eggs in one basket.

Using external marketing channels like Google Ads is an excellent way to reduce many risks by:

  • Allowing you to keep selling if your Amazon search ranking drops
  • Gaining more traffic from multiple sources and sell across channels, thereby increasing your brand’s value
  • Building a sales funnel for Amazon and expand your marketing toolbox
  • Get your products and brand out to more people.

If online shoppers see you on both Google and Amazon, their chances of purchasing are higher. But if they don’t see you on Amazon, they can still see you on Google.

Minimize The Risks

Which Type Of Amazon Sellers Can Expect To See Positive Results From Google Ads?

There is no “one size fits all” answer to this question.

You should consider carefully before deciding to invest in Google Ads for your Amazon store. The characteristics of a successful brand running Google Ads to raise Amazon sales ranks are:

  • Well-established brand identity and high brand awareness
  • Top ranking in the brand category
  • Sell ​​unique products with unusual but predictable search terms
  • High product cost (around or over $100)
  • Sufficient advertising budget to effectively spread across multiple channels
  • Use multiple traffic to tailor different Google Ads campaigns

If your brand meets some of these parameters, there’s a good chance you’ll have explosive and robust success with Google Ads.


When using Google Ads to promote your Amazon store, you will almost certainly stay ahead of 75% of your competitors and create a competitive edge to dominate the market. In addition, with the evergreen traffic and email list it brings, you can surely grow your long-term sales and Amazon rankings.

If you feel Google Ads is the right solution for your Amazon store, hesitate no more. It’s high time for you to implement it.

Should any problem still boggle your mind, visit to request a consultation – completely free of charge and with no commitments i

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