Health care

The Truth Behind Pain Management Struggles and Failures

Frequent pain can take a toll on your life and affect your routine activities. Diseases, accidents, or specific conditions make many people have physical agony and have to contend with their life despite the struggles. Research shows that 40 percent of emergency department admissions result from pain. 

The struggle is enhanced when patients do not get adequate medication to relieve and manage their pain. In addition to physical discomfort, pain can increase your heart rate & blood pressure and strain your muscle. To alleviate your suffering, get a proper diagnosis of your condition and medication to manage the pain associated with it. 

Knowing the factors contributing to your body aches is necessary to identify how to control them. Below are common causes of pain and insights on relieving physical discomfort. 

  1. Age

Pain is associated with age. The older you are, the more vulnerable you are to body aches typically associated with chronic illnesses. The illnesses that come with pain include arthritis, diabetes, chronic back pain, fibromyalgia, etc. Aging affects the brain function that processes pain, and you will likely experience the ache more intensely as you grow older. 

You may not control aging, but you can enhance your comfort to cushion pain and reduce its intensity. Actions like practicing relaxation techniques and sleeping in comfortable bedding implements can improve your pain during your sunset years. Deep breathing in and out helps to relax and regulate your breath for pain control. 

If you last replaced your bedding implements a while ago, consider getting new ones for better comfort. Items like mattresses degenerate with time and worsen your physical discomfort. If you’re a side sleeper, select the best mattress for side sleepers from a reputable and leading mattress and bedding retailer like Nolah Mattress to have a night of comfort.     

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  1. Medical Conditions

Living with medical conditions, especially chronic illnesses, means you probably have to contend with pain for the lifetime of the disease. The health conditions trigger pain and create a hypersensitivity that enhances the discomfort. However, medications and pain management protocols are available to increase your comfort. 

You do not have to experience excruciating aches and disable yourself from running routine activities. Seek help from a medical professional on how best to manage the pain. People use strategies like acupuncture, physical & psychological therapies, joining support groups, etc., to manage their lifestyle despite the physical agony.  

  1. Genes

Each person has their threshold of absorbing pain which could be different from others. Research on the correlation between pain and genes is rare. However, some early studies reveal that individuals could inherit a susceptibility to pain. One can inherit the inability to suffer pain or hypersensitivity to it. 

Gene mutations are responsible for varying the nerve cells that relay pain to the central nervous system. Some people carry faulty versions of the gene resulting in crippling pain at the slightest provocation. Another version of the disorder renders people numb to body aches when the system doesn’t function well.  

Treatment and management strategies are available for genetic pain conditions to help relieve discomfort. Methods like dietary changes, surgery, transplants, etc., can manage the anomaly depending on the severity.  

  1. Emotions

Intense, frequent pain can drain you emotionally, especially if you have gone through it for a long time. The mind gets weary of absorbing physical discomfort and becomes vulnerable with time. Pain and the emotional state are correlated. People with chronic pain are about three times more likely to develop depression and other mood disorders, and those with depression are three times more likely to have chronic pain. 

Hence, a fragile mental state increases your vulnerability to physical pain. Depression depletes some chemicals the body uses to withstand physical pain. To avoid the physical agony caused by your mental state, avoid stress triggers or an environment that negatively affects you. If you have been through a traumatic situation, seek professional psychological help to maintain your mental health.  

  1. Lack of Support Systems

Constant physical pain is a lot to go through, and you need all the support from people around you to get through the episodes. If you lack support systems, the agony is overbearing. Having people who care for you within proximity or living with you gives you a sense of security and calms your nerves. 

The presence of caring people simulates a relaxation effect that influences the pain signals to the nervous system. Do not live in isolation if you suffer from an illness that gives you unbearable pain. Reach out to people around you or join a support group where you can share experiences and talk about matters that comfort you.     

Manage Your Pain, Lessen Your Struggle

Having chronic pain need not relegate you to a life of misery. Identify the pain management strategy suitable for your condition and adopt it into your lifestyle. You may have to try several approaches until you find one that is most relevant for you. Soon enough, you will enjoy life like everyone else despite the illness.  

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