Gentleman for Hire/Male Escorts; why they are hired?

Gentlemen for Hire is an industry that is growing rapidly and people are now having more acceptance for this profession like any other industry. There are still some misconceptions in people’s minds that these men are similar to prostitutes and are only hired for sexual desires, which is a mistaken belief.
As this industry is growing more people are now aware of them. You will find these men on different dating platforms or on different sites. It depends on your location where you live and can hire a person as per your preference. For instance, if you are living in the UK you can contact reputable sites like Male Companion London. They are known to have a wide range of different men with different physiques and attributes that you can choose from.
Let’s jump to the things why a man is hired for:
Hiring a Male as a Companion
A lot of women are not married and are single by their choice and there are many scenarios where they need a man to go with them. It is not always like that, a woman doesn’t hire a male escort only for the sexual needs.
As mentioned above there are many scenarios like for example, you are a widowed/divorced woman and you want to fly to some country to visit but you have no one to go with you. This is one case where a male escort can be hired to go with you, aid you, and try to make your experience unforgettable.
A male escort is hired normally by a woman, they meet in someplace, have a good time, eat food, attend some event, grab a coffee or wine and go to their respective homes afterward.
If you are here researching about getting a job like this, then let me tell you this is not that easy and you need to think again.
A person doing these jobs need to have a lot of attributes like a great way of talking on any subject, a man need to be humorous as the woman like funny men, he should have a strong grip on different trends and current affairs so they can keep up the conversations easily. They need to read different magazines, websites articles, and many other sources to keep themselves updated.
Every woman although have different needs like some need to hire a person with a lot of muscles, some like to hire a person with a normal body but handsome face and even skin tones are also a factor but the main thing is that a male escort needs to be very confident in every situation.
For Sexual Reasons
There is no denying of the fact that a male escort is hired for sexual needs. There are women out there that need to rent a man for their needs to be fulfilled. Hiring a male escort for sexual purposes is also because for many reasons.
A case where a single and successful woman has a lot of money and can get anything they want. Their needs may also include these male escorts, some hire them to remove loneliness in their lives and some want to hire them for sexual intercourse.
Moreover, there are many problems that women face daily with their partners which can be their boyfriend or their husband. They do not want to cheat with their partners but they still need to fulfill their fantasies that their partners cannot fulfill because maybe they are busy or for any other reason. This is when a woman calls up men for hire services and choose a gentleman according to their preference. This is one good way to not to cheat on their partners and fulfill their desires in a one night stand.
Another example is when a divorced woman who do not have any other option to satisfy their needs but to call a male escort to help them with this. This is also a case where man for hire services are utilized. Male escorts can help them a lot, they can help them to overcome their sadness and loneliness.
There is another case in which women go to some particular bars and hunt around for sexual desires. The problem comes when they are afraid of consequences like AIDs and other sexually transmitted diseases. They can use these men to hire services to complete their needs and also keep them safe from getting any of the diseases.
The appearance of Gentlemen’s for Hire
You may also have some misconceptions in mind when you are thinking about the basic appearance of an average gentleman that is currently doing this job. It is not true that they have pretty–faced like celebrities or they have bodies like heavy bodybuilders.
The main thing to keep in mind is the requirements of women. Every woman has their own choice and they have a list of men that can be hired with a different appearance and different fitness levels. The main attribute that every escort will need to acquire is a good attitude and confidence.
Earnings of Male Escorts
No original male escort public their profiles, they have contractors that connects them to ladies. The earning of these gentlemen is not fixed as they have different services and every service cost different. With every additional service, their earnings increase.
Also, like any other gig, when getting positive reviews and have more experience, they can eventually increase charges per service according to their will.
Everything is kept confidential
Even though this industry is now known to a lot of people but this is still considered taboo and both males and females want to keep this a secret between them. Women mostly are afraid and want to keep whatever happens in between them a secret.
The gentleman needs to sign an agreement and is bound to keep everything confidential that happens with the client. Not only what happens between them needs to be kept secret but also the address of the client, their personal information, or another related thing.